How to install GrapheneOS on Google Pixel phones
July 23, 2023

GrapheneOS is a highly secure and privacy-focused operating system that offers numerous benefits for the users. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to install GrapheneOS on your Google Pixel phone, ensuring a seamless and safe transition.

Before diving into the installation process, let's explore some advantages of installing GrapheneOS on your Google Pixel phone:

Why install GrapheneOS on a Google Pixel phone

Enhanced security

GrapheneOS is built with security as its core principle. With features like hardened security policies, sandboxing, and verified boot, it provides robust protection against malware and malicious attacks.

Privacy protection

By using GrapheneOS, you regain control over your data. It offers advanced privacy features such as fine-grained permission controls, minimizing exposure to unnecessary tracking and data collection.

Regular updates

GrapheneOS ensures timely security updates, protecting your device from any potential vulnerabilities. This constant development guarantees that you're always using the latest patches.

Now, let's move on to the installation process.

How to install GrapheneOS on a Google Pixel phone

Step 1: Backup your data

Before you begin installing, it's important to back up all your important data. GrapheneOS is a completely separate operating system, so there's no way to retain existing data on the device.

Best practice is to create a backup elsewhere, and then move data from your backup onto your GrapheneOS device after installation.

Step 2: Unlock the bootloader

To begin installing GrapheneOS, you need to unlock the bootloader of your Google Pixel phone. This step is necessary as it allows you to modify the device's software. The process may vary depending on the specific model, so consult the official documentation for detailed instructions.

Step 3: Download the GrapheneOS image

Go to the official GrapheneOS website and download the compatible image for your Google Pixel phone model. Ensure that you select the correct firmware version to guarantee a successful installation.

Step 4: Flash the image

Once the image is downloaded, transfer it to your phone's internal storage. After that, reboot your device into the bootloader menu and use the command prompt or Terminal to execute the flashing process. Again, refer to the official documentation for specific commands and procedures.

Step 5: Reboot and set up GrapheneOS

After successfully flashing the image, reboot your Google Pixel phone. Follow the guided setup process provided by GrapheneOS, which includes setting up Wi-Fi, security, and other preferences.


Congratulations! You have now installed GrapheneOS on your Google Pixel phone.

Installing GrapheneOS on your Google Pixel phone offers a multitude of advantages, such as improved security measures, enhanced privacy protection, and regular updates.

By following the step-by-step installation guide provided in this blog post, you can easily make the switch to GrapheneOS. Embrace the freedom and control over your personal data that this secure operating system provides.